Having such a popular website with many beautiful escorts we get a lot of frequently asked questions, so here are a few things we can clear up.
What are incalls and outcalls?
An incall is where you visit one of our gorgeous escorts at their home. Usually this is cheaper since they don't have to pay for travel, and don't have an issue getting home, making it easier for them and is usually a shorter experience.
An outcall is where the escort comes to meet you. Whether it be at your home, or at a hotel. This is usually a longer experience due to our clients wanting to take our escorts for dinner, drinks, to a show, or something completely different. It is also usually a bit more expensive to the escort having to pay for travel.
Are the pictures on the girls' profiles genuine?
Yes they are! Unlike some escort agencies we have a policy that makes sure that our girls look just how they do in their pictures. We meet them in person first before they are asked to join our team. If the girl you picked isn't the one you meet for some extremely strange reason, then we will refund you 100%. We guarantee there will be no discussion as we do not cheat our clients.
Are the fees negotiable?
No they are not, as our escorts are professionals, and for some this is their main source of income. The only circumstance that might make this change is if you were looking to book one of our girls for an extended period of time. Then we would discuss this with you personally.
What if I have a special request?
You can call us ahead of any booking if you have a preference of clothing, or maybe an added friend to help you out. However we cannot always guarantee that we can do this, as sometimes it is just not possible. This all depends on the girl and the nature of the request.
What if I dont see anyone I wish to book this time?
Obviously we would be disappointed that we weren't able to accomodate your wishes this time, why not drop us an email with your requirements and we'll see how we can help in future? then bookmark our site for future reference.